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Architecture enthusiasts!

Welcome to an exciting journey through the captivating and inspiring world of architecture with Berk Utku Güney



This is the model of movie ''Oppenheimer''.It represents 3 scene of oppenheimer.First part is about the scene which we are seeing a countdown before explosing.The second(middle part) part is from the most famous scene which bomb explosed.The last and third part is from the scene which we see after of the explosion.


The Silo (2017) - COBE

"The Silo," completed in 2017 and designed by the innovative architectural firm COBE, stands as a stunning and visionary transformation of a former grain silo in Copenhagen, Denmark. This architectural marvel has garnered worldwide attention for its unique blend of historic preservation and contemporary design.

Architectural Exhibitons

A poster is about the exhibiton of Arch 101_F23 includes the outputs of the final assignment of the course which was designed as a series of assignments.


Towards a New Architecture

In the text author mentions about mostly the primitive architectural design and operations.He commonly use the phrase regulating lines.That phrase means that one of the basic elements of primitive architectural period.Also he mention about the first techniques and strategies which first desginers use while designing the first architectural constructs.For instence one of them is measuring the sizes with an interesting way such as using their body parts like foot,elbow and their fingers.Apart from these he except all these operations a star for humans architectural adventure.While they developing they start to use more certain and spesific techniques for their designs.At that point author says   ‘’ Geometry is the language of man’’.After first designers except the language of geometry, designs start to develop fastly.Also with the geometric elements usage, author mentions about a increase about the number of quality design operations.Also author define these beginings with a remarkable sentence which ‘’ Arch is the first manifestation  of man creating his own world.’’

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